Cybersecurity Leadership Kit
for Nonprofits
Everything Your Org Needs to Get Started with Cybersecurity
Lead a Cybersecurity Discussion with Your Board of Directors Like a Boss
Here’s how you do it:
- Request our Board Discussion Packet
- Watch the BONUS VIDEO at Your Next Board Meeting
- Use our DISCUSSION CHECKLIST to Stay on Topic
- Agree to Take Action
How can you be the hero of your
next board meeting?
By showing up prepared to lead a discussion on cybersecurity
Don’t let bad people get in the way of your mission
What happens after we decide
to take action?
You can book a Cybersecurity Maturity Level Assessment with Makaye.
Get Your Exclusive Cybersecurity Leadership Kit for Nonprofits
When you complete a Cybersecurity Maturity Level Assessment with Makaye, you’ll get our Cybersecurity Leadership Kit for Nonprofits – which includes all of the following:
- Custom Cybersecurity Score
- 1-year Road Map for your non-profit
- Compliance Report
- Executive Summary
Ready for Your Assessment? Schedule a Discovery Call Now.
What to Expect from a Cybersecurity Maturity Level Assessment
Ready for Your Assessment? Schedule a Discovery Call Now.
We Are Ready to
Help and have a
Proven Plan You
Will Love
The Makaye Cyber Protection Plan
Have Questions? Call: (972) 645-2231
Schedule a Discovery Call
We'll use this time to get acquainted, to provide answers to your questions, and make sure you feel confident about working with us before getting started.
Complete a Cybersecurity Maturity Level Assessment
We will complete this expert-led assessment to gather the information necessary to serve you to the best of our ability.
Get Your Cybersecurity Leadership Kit
After your assessment, we will provide a complete packet that includes your Cybersecurity Score, Compliance Report, Executive Summary, and 1-year Road Map. You'll feel a sense of accomplishment and assurance knowing that you're leading your organization well.
What does a Cybersecurity Company cover that an IT company doesn’t?
- Creates a cybersecurity strategy that aligns with your goals and regulations
- Develops cybersecurity policies that govern how business assets are accessed and utilized
- Provides leadership and guidance following regulatory requirements
- Develops and implements a Security Incident Response Plan
- Provides detection and response to cyber-threats 24/7/365
- Educates employees and elevates your organization’s security awareness
- Represents your organization during security audits
- Performs simulated attacks to test your defenses
- Protects personal devices and remote work environments
- And much more ...
Does your current IT provider or IT department help you develop cybersecurity strategy, develop cybersecurity policies, train your employees, perform simulated cyber-attacks, create a formal incident response plan, and review security features at your physical location? If the answer is no, Call Makaye Today. We are here to help.
The Makaye Commitment to Serve
It’s just not right that small and medium organizations should have to worry about cyber criminals. It’s disheartening to think that criminals are willing to steal from organizations that are fighting so hard to provide jobs in their community and do good in our world.
Like you, we have a true passion for humanity and a commitment to working together to make our world better. Our founder, George Makaye, has spent the last 20 years using his for-profit businesses as a way to give back to the community and empower nonprofits. We’re always looking for more ways to leverage our skills and resources to make an even larger impact. Which is why we formed Makaye. We are committed to protecting organizations just like yours from cyber-attacks.